Description placeholder



  • TreeItem
    • ChatTreeItem


  • Creates an instance of ChatTreeItem.


    • id: string
    • label: string
    • collapsibleState: TreeItemCollapsibleState
    • type: "sequence" | "segment"
    • Optionalmetadata: any

    Returns ChatTreeItem


accessibilityInformation?: AccessibilityInformation

Accessibility information used when screen reader interacts with this tree item. Generally, a TreeItem has no need to set the role of the accessibilityInformation; however, there are cases where a TreeItem is not displayed in a tree-like way where setting the role may make sense.

    | TreeItemCheckboxState
    | {
        accessibilityInformation?: AccessibilityInformation;
        state: TreeItemCheckboxState;
        tooltip?: string;

Type declaration

  • TreeItemCheckboxState
  • {
        accessibilityInformation?: AccessibilityInformation;
        state: TreeItemCheckboxState;
        tooltip?: string;
    • Optional ReadonlyaccessibilityInformation?: AccessibilityInformation

      Accessibility information used when screen readers interact with this checkbox

    • Readonlystate: TreeItemCheckboxState

      The TreeItemCheckboxState of the tree item

    • Optional Readonlytooltip?: string

      A tooltip for the checkbox

collapsibleState: TreeItemCollapsibleState
command?: Command

The Command that should be executed when the tree item is selected.

Please use or vscode.diff as command IDs when the tree item is opening something in the editor. Using these commands ensures that the resulting editor will appear consistent with how other built-in trees open editors.

contextValue?: string

Context value of the tree item. This can be used to contribute item specific actions in the tree. For example, a tree item is given a context value as folder. When contributing actions to view/item/context using menus extension point, you can specify context value for key viewItem in when expression like viewItem == folder.

"contributes": {
"menus": {
"view/item/context": [
"command": "extension.deleteFolder",
"when": "viewItem == folder"

This will show action extension.deleteFolder only for items with contextValue is folder.

description?: string | boolean

A human-readable string which is rendered less prominent. When true, it is derived from resourceUri and when falsy, it is not shown.

iconPath?: string | IconPath

The icon path or ThemeIcon for the tree item. When falsy, ThemeIcon.Folder Folder Theme Icon is assigned, if item is collapsible otherwise ThemeIcon.File File Theme Icon. When a file or folder ThemeIcon is specified, icon is derived from the current file icon theme for the specified theme icon using resourceUri (if provided).

id: string
label: string
metadata?: any
resourceUri?: Uri

The Uri of the resource representing this item.

Will be used to derive the TreeItem.label label, when it is not provided. Will be used to derive the icon from current file icon theme, when TreeItem.iconPath iconPath has ThemeIcon value.

tooltip?: string | MarkdownString

The tooltip text when you hover over this item.

type: "sequence" | "segment"