Command to open the chat browser.

This command is responsible for opening the chat browser with a selected chat log file. The command is triggered when the user selects "Browse Chat: Open Chat Browser" from the command palette or uses the keyboard shortcut.

registerCommand(): Registers the "browsechat.jumpToChat" command and its associated keyboard shortcut. createQuickPick(): Creates a QuickPick that allows the user to search for and select a chat segment. execute(): Executes the Jump to Chat command, showing the quick pick interface to allow the user to search for and select a chat segment. loadSegments(): Loads all chat segments into the QuickPick, updating the items that represent each segment. createQuickPickItem(segment, sequence): Creates a QuickPickSegmentItem for the given chat segment and sequence. getSegmentPreview(segment): Returns a preview of the content of a chat segment, truncating it if necessary. getSegmentDetail(segment): Returns a string that lists the participants and keywords of the given chat segment. handleQuickPickValueChange(value): Handles changes to the QuickPick's value by filtering the items that are visible. handleQuickPickAccept(): Handles the QuickPick's accept event by navigating to the selected segment. handleQuickPickButton(item, button): Handles the QuickPick's button click event, showing a preview of the segment content if the "Preview segment" button is clicked. dispose(): Disposes of the QuickPick when it is no longer needed.





  • Opens the chat browser.

    This command is triggered when the user selects "Browse Chat: Open Chat Browser" from the command palette or uses the keyboard shortcut.

    The command execution is split into three steps:

    1. Prompt the user to select a chat log file.
    2. Validate the selected file.
    3. Open the chat browser with the selected file.

    If any step fails, an error message is shown to the user.

    Returns Promise<void>