
  • Constructor for the CommandManager class.


    • context: ExtensionContext

      The VSCode extension context.

    • dataModel: DataModelManager

      The data model manager.

    Returns CommandManager


  • Opens a webview panel showing the command history of the extension.

    Returns void

  • Executes a command.


    • command: string

      The command to execute.

    • parameters: { type: string }

      The parameters for the command.

    Returns void

    if not implemented

  • Registers the "browsechat.exportChat" command. This command exports the chat data to a file.

    Returns void

    if not implemented

  • Registers the "browsechat.filter" command. This command filters the chat log by a specific filter.

    Returns void

    if not implemented

  • Registers the "browsechat.jumpToChat" command. This command jumps to a specific chat in the chat log.

    Returns void

    if not implemented

  • Registers the "browsechat.openBrowser" command. This command opens the chat browser view for a single log file.

    Returns void

    if not implemented

  • Registers the "browsechat.searchChats" command. This command allows the user to search for a string in all chat logs.

    Returns void

    if not implemented

  • Sets the state of the extension. The state is used to determine which commands are available. The state is also used to update the status bar and command context.


    Returns void

  • Opens a webview panel showing the command history of the extension. The panel shows all commands executed by the user, along with their parameters, result and any errors. The panel is retained when hidden to prevent loss of history.

    Returns Promise<void>

    const commandManager = await vscode.commands.getCommand('browsechat.commandManager').then(c => c.create());
    await commandManager.showCommandHistory();